Social media is soms the hell, maar af en toe ook wel heerlijk om te gluren. Bijvoorbeeld naar andere moeders, die net als jij en ik in het dagelijkse leven struggelen met de normaalste dingen van de wereld. Fijn om te zien dat je niet de enige bent!

Lekker in je pyjama


Opruimen helpt niet


Geheugen als een vergiet


Traktaties die faliekant mislukken


Even de boel de boel laten



Dit bericht bekijken op Instagram


This is what self-care ALSO looks like: deliberately NOT doing the dishes. Today, I needed to do some emergency stabilization and deep self-care after a particularly rough day. So I didn’t do the dishes. It was also a point of not judging myself for not doing the dishes, and knowing myself well enough to know that not doing the dishes wasn’t self-neglect in this moment, but in fact an act of self-support. It’s something that I’ve been practicing a lot lately; checking in with and asking myself what I need in a moment, what would serve me the most. And today that looked like: self-massage, applying self-forgiveness, speaking with a dear friend on the phone, taking cell salts for my raging head ache, drinking water with a herbal stress support remedy, doing absolutely nothing, and when I finally had a bit more energy: tidying up the apartment as I know decluttering makes me feel better, and it’s a nice gift to give myself to wake up to. This is radical self-care and self-honesty to me; to make myself aware of what would support me the most, and give that to me, no matter what it may look like to anyone else, to listen inwards, and give myself the respect of not distracting myself away from what hurts – but meeting it as best as I can, in the moment. It requires practice, and it’s a process, it will take time – that’s ok. And I still haven’t done the dishes. And I’m not going to tonight. And I am perfectly at peace with that. It doesn’t reflect badly on me in any way. Instead I’m going to write, maybe take an Epsom salt bath with lavender oil, and then I’m gonna rest. And tomorrow there’s a new day, to be fierce, and soft, and silly and bold and open to what may come. All I know is, that right now, I’m Here. ❤️

Een bericht gedeeld door Anna Brix Thomsen (@annabrixthomsen) op

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